Thanksgiving and a sick kid :(

I am way late on putting this post up. It's been over a week since Thanksgiving and I have not updated with Thanksgiving pics. The unfortunate part is that I don't have pics up of everything I want to because well, I forgot to take pics but, I did get some. We had a good Thanksgiving but Elaina got sick when she first woke up. She seemed to be okay other then she had no appetite so we went ahead and went to my mom's but during that visit she spiked a fever so our visit was cut short. The even worse part was that we did not get to go to Erik's parents to visit them and we feel terrible about that. But her sickness was short lived. I did get some shots from my mom's Thanksgiving festivities....

This shot is from the Wednesday night before. We had dinner with my dad's side of the family that night. I just thought this was a cute shot. It's the only one I took all night.

These are all shots from Thanksgiving Day at my mom's.... Alexandra with my sister Abby.

My sisters Nell and Abby

All my sisters and mom... Abby, me, Nell, mom, and Kate. Nell is the youngest and so much taller then the rest of us. She's gonna kill me for writing that.

Elaina and her daddy - she pretty much was held by someone all day. Poor thing, she did not feel good. She didn't touch her food.

These girls however ate all their food. This was before dinner started - they were ready to eat.

Elaina's cousin, Celia

Elaina's cousin, Sadie

Cousin Quentin with Uncle Doug

Erik and I with a post dinner pose...

More post dinner posing - Kate and my mom

Dave and Nell

my mom set up the garage as a kid haven with toys and TV. They played and played out there..

I was in charge of cookie decorating. Here are the two I did so the kids could see and decorate their cookies just like them. Cute....

They ended up looking more like this... oh well, they had fun

1 comment:

Jon and Melissa said...

I made turkey cookies like the ones you did. Your ended up way cuter then mine. Fun way to decorate.