Christmas Eve was a busy day but a good one this year. Elaina was all about opening presents and knew what the whole "gig" was about this year. That was fun to see. We hosted for the day... My dad and his family came over at noon to celebrate and exchange gifts - and we ate. Then later the evening, we went to Mass with my mom and then back to our house for dinner - more eating. It was a fun day. Elaina did not get a nap so at about 8:00 or so she hit a brick wall and she was not a happy camper. Once we got her settled down she fell asleep in about 1.5 seconds. Here are some shots of the day...
This pic was actually taken last Friday. At school, she had her Christmas party and they made the adorable Christmas Tree shirts. Those are her handprints in the green paint that made the tree. pretty cool.

Christmas Eve began with a surprise visit from Elaina's Mamaw and Papaw. The weekend before when Erik and I went to Nashville, she stayed with them. Evidently she ate her weight in the cheese puff things. Well, they wrapped some up and brought her a bag of her own. She loved them as evidenced in this picture below. Why no clothes?? They showed up in the middle of clothes changing time so she has no clothes on

This is my step-brother, Sean, playing with Elaina

Elaina with her other Pappaw...(my dad)

Elaina with my Mammaw (her great Mammaw). I was thrilled she was able to come. I have the best Mammaw!

Elaina got a new puzzle that has fish on it with metal pieces on it. It came with a fishing pole with a magnet on the end of it. It was really cool - here she is fishing for the fish and holding one up.

Quentin with Elaina

Alexandra (my neice) with my step sister, Leah

Later on, we had dinner with my mom. My sister and her family were there along with our friends Sabrina and Carl who joined us this year. It was awesome having them here with us.

Me and my beautiful neice, Alexandra. I remember when she was Elaina's age. They grow up so fast!!!

Carl and Sabrina

The kids - Alexandra, Elaina, and Quentin
My sister Abby and Nell and their family spent the Christmas out of town with their in-laws.

Me and my girl....

Alexandra again....

Elaina got a guitar from her Granny. She was so excited to get it. Here she is rocking out with it :)

Quentin got some transformer toy that he was dying to have - look how excited he got. It was a pretty funny moment

Elaina opening up a gift. She was a pro at this by the end of the day and wanted to help everyone open theirs

The last gift was a gift my aunt Ellen Jane to Elaina. She found this old baby doll crib (wooden) at a yard sale for dirt cheap. She fixed it up, and her and my mom made a quilt for the top and gave it to Elaina for her baby dolls. Pretty cool. Here she is with it.

Kissing her baby doll night-night

After Elaina was asleep, Santa set up camp. Here is a pic of what he left.... lots and lots of stuff. too much, but Elaina was so excited when she saw it.

Santa even left presents on the couch for Erik and Elaina.................
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