
We've had some pretty decent winter weather this past week.  Elaina has not had school the past 2 Fridays.  This week was ice....not much fun about ice.  BUT....last week we had snow.  Thursday evening it snowed enough stick about an inch and we got out for about an hour or so to play.  It was the good snow that you can build a great snowman in...So, we did.  We had a snowball fight too but no pics of that.  I was too busy throwing snow balls.

Elaina attempting to roll a ball for the snow man... it kept breaking so we had to help her.

Making the face with daddy.... Eyes = 2 oreo cookies, nose = 1 frozen sweet potato fry (Elaina's idea and a good one, I thought), mouth=2 twizzlers, hair = gummy worms (also Elaina's idea)

Sweet girl

The finished product...super cute and more than that....super fun!

Fast forward 4 days upper 60's and sunny.  We took a bike ride with Elaina's cousin Liana.  Crazy east Tennessee weather.... We took a picnic lunch too.  Felt a little like spring... in the sun...  Nevertheless, it was a beautiful day and a good time

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