More Christmas celebration

December 29th... we made the trek to Nashville to celebrate Christmas with my dad, his wife Brenda, my sisters and all of our families.  It was a great time - I feel like I say that all the time (that everything was great fun) but usually, if I am going to post something on here, it's going to be good memories, not bad, right???  Oh well - moving on to the point of this post.... memories....

I have said it before and I will say it again.... Elaina ADORES her cousins, Sadie and Celia.  She would move in with them if she could.

Alexandra and Nell

Prepping for dinner (and conversation)

Celia and Alexandra

Dave and Nell - the soon to be parents - YAH!.  We are all excited about that.
This year my sister, Abby, came up with an idea for us all to bring the dry ingredients of our favorite meal (or one we make a lot).  We then had a game where we guess the meal and who brought it.  Then all that food was donated to Second Harvest.  It was a great idea and fun plus helped out a good cause.
here is all the food...
 Some of the meals were:
Vegetable soup...

This was Celia's meal... Chicken nuggets with honey mustard, corn, and peas...  this was hard to guess

These are the ingredients to a school lunch - brought by Kate.  Very creative.


Here we all are, guessing the meals

Lots of pondering going on....

Just some snapshots of the day....

Dinner time....

It snowed (a very little bit) but the girls bundles up for a blizzard, grabbed the sled and went out side.  I am not sure the sled was used. 

A teeny tiny snowman

playing outside in the blizzard

Next was present time... my dad always give the grand kids some sort of coin/s. This year they got a roll of war time steel pennies ("steelies") from 1943. Very cool.  He is WAY into coins and I think it's pretty cool

The gift swap was a kitchen item/gadget for everyone..Celia scored this baking pan for cookies

Elaina was confused by it all as she was not sure what to really do with any of it.  She ended up with a jar of Aunt Kate's blueberry jam and an i-tunes card. 

December 29th also happens to be Doug's birthday so we celebrated with a cake and candles.  Happy Birthday Doug!

Next, it was family photo dad got us all shirts so we posed with them.  These next 2 shots are getting the camera set up for the timer shot and the family being silly ....

The whole gang... I love this picture... it's so good.

Front:  Sadie, Elaina, Celia, Alexandra
Second row:  Abby, Doug, Kate, Quentin
Third row:  Brenda, Dad, Dave, Erik, Erin, Nell

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