Majorly behind

Hello out there!!!  I am not sure where the past 2 months have gone but I have not been very good about keeping my blog updated.  A lot has happened but then again, not a lot has happened.  Strange. 

Let's do a quick re-cap.
Erik went to France for 2 weeks for work in February.  We missed him terribly.  He had a good time, learned a lot, and missed us equally as much.  He had the camera for 2 weeks while he was there so no pictures were taken here.  When he got back he brought goodies for us.  Here a shot of what he got me...
Chocolate and wine.... does he know me or what??  The perfect gift.  I have not opened the wine yet but the chocolates are amazing - some from Switzerland, some from France.  Look who snuck in the shot :)
Let's see... what else.....??? 

While Erik was in France, my friend Tami came over with Olivia (and Elias her newborn) and we had a sleepover. Super fun... the girls loved it. I enjoyed my time with Tami...

Pics.... totally stole these from Tami's blog since I did not have my camera :)
We had breakfast for dinner.... homemade blueberry pancakes... YUM!

The girls started on the floor in sleeping bags... both ended up in beds, Olivia in the bed with Tami, Elaina in her bed.

Cuteness.....  These girls love the you know what out of each other.

What else????.......We have been swimming several times to keep Elaina going and getting better with her swimming...She loves going, as any 4 year old would.

We have our house on the market again.. It's been on the market for almost 3 weeks.  Have had 4 showings which is almost as many as we had the whole time we had it on the market last spring/summer so things are looking up (or so it seems).  No bites yet but we'll see.  Where are we going??  Erik has the bug to build again so we're trying to sell so we can get that going.  We'll see.  If it doesn't work out, we'll stay put.  No biggie either way.

I have not mentioned this before because I was afraid to put this out there for fear of not succeeding and then having to say that I failed.  But, I started the "couch to 5K" program in January.  Erik and I got a treadmill and I have been doing the treadmill version.  So far, so good... I am through the actual 9 week program and am running now 3 times a week.  I don't run fast so I am not running a 5K in the 30-35 mins but I just wanted to get to a point where I could run a couple of miles to get my heart rate up.  I am running about 2 miles... not too bad.  I am happy about that.  I have run outside a couple of times.  That is harder for me but I will get there (or I plan to).  We'll see.  I am just proud that I have been exercising to get healthier.  I am not losing weight and that really wasn't the point (however, it would have been nice) BUT... I do feel better and stronger and that is most important.  I don't love it but I am doing it.  I determined.  There... I said it.  Now, we'll see how long I can keep it up.

We booked out beach vacation. We go at the end of May. Our friends, Tami and Justin and their 3 kids are going to drive down and join us. It should be super duper fun and Elaina will enjoy having her friends there to play with. Maybe I'll run on the beach.... hmmm???  maybe.

We enrolled Elaina in Kindergarten a few weeks ago.  We are going to send her to Grace Christian Academy close to the house.  She has her screening and we go to an interview in a few weeks.  Hopefully all will go well and we'll have that underway soon.  We are very excited about the potential and feel really good about being able to send her there.  It seems to be a great school.

I started a new job at my work.  Same office and company... different job.  I went from HR to doing recruiting.  I am very excited about it. I have only had the position for 1 week but the first week went great.  I am very happy about it because it will allow me to keep my flexibility with my hours - in fact, I'll have even more.  Plus, when Elaina starts school, I will be able to take her and drop her off every day.  Very cool. 

That's about it.. sorry for all the rambling.  Just getting caught up.  Spring is around the corner....  Easter bunny time :)

She's ready....  that's a spoonful of peanut butter in her hand.  Her favorite snack.
We have had some Easter festivities so stay tuned for pics of that.  Okay... I'm done.  Thanks for hanging in there with me on this one.  Lots of useless information :)


Ashley said...

Good luck with the running and kudos to you for putting it out there! Love the pic of the girls hugging during the sleepover. So sweet!!

Evan and Marta said...

Let me know when your 5K is and I'll run it with you. Bravo! Then you can do a triathlon with me. It will be a short one, I promise.