Good Friday

Good Friday was great!!  Elaina and I went to my mom's for our annual easter egg dying and painting...  We had fun as always....  Erik had to work :(  Boo!
Elaina and her Granny

I love this picture of Alexandra and Elaina

More Granny pictures

Quentin and Elaina

On the way to mom's I stopped at the bakery that is right by her house... found these festive treats :)

This could be reason that running is not making me lose weight, you think??

Next, it was on to painting eggs... look at the concentration on that kid

This picture makes me smile :)

Aunt Nell - look at the concentration on that kid :)

Alexandra wins the award for best egg painter - she does every year....

This is the bowl of painted eggs from years past... very festive.  I love it.  My mom puts it out every Easter.  I told my mom that I want it.  Hopefully that will happen some day :)  May have to fight a sister or two for it.

Then it was on to egg hunting....

Alexandra and Aunt Kate

And then at home, we played with the timer shot on the camera... Elaina loves to do that.  A family shot on the couch... our favorite spot, especiallywhen we're all together

1 comment:

The Schaffers said...

I love th picture of you and Elaina and then the family picture at the end. I am getting all caught up with your blog. I started reading the ones from April because I was caught up until then. I was thinking why in the world have I missed so much. Perhaps because I had babies the first week of April. :) ha ha ha