Easter Happiness

Easter was fun, yet again, this year.  We spent the day getting dressed in our Sunday best, going to church to celebrate that HE IS ALIVE and hanging with family at a park.  The weather was perfect, the food was delicious, the company was divine.....what else could you want?  All added up to a great day!  We even got a nap since Elaina was so tired she crashed on the way home.  So, we all got comfy on the couch and got naps in.  Super big bonus on the day. 
The Easter Bunny came and as always went WAY overboard.  He can't help it.  He (She) really has issues.

A movie for the whole family.  We watched it together as a family and it is a cute movie.

She got some new bows in her basket... she's modeling them both
After we got dressed, I had to pull her outside for a pre-church pose....
Speaking of posing....


I have a picture last Easter just like this - different outfits.

See....last year, Easter 2011

This is the meaning of "love" to me...

Next, we headed to Clark Park in Oak Ridge to celebrate with the Stringfellows.  It was a ton of fun.  The kids played, the adults laughed/chatted, and everyone ate.  The weather was perfect...  Elaina and I did a see-saw together (above)

Liana and Elaina... it took a LOT to get them to both look in this picture
When Kelsey got there she brought Fun Dip for all 3 of them...  Here they are enjoying.  Sugar... no wonder Elaina crashed out when we got  home.

The whole gang eating/talking and enjoying the day and company.

1 comment:

The Schaffers said...

Awwww this makes me think about my Easter. My babies were in the NICU. I love the picture of Elaina posing...sooooo cute!!!