Shopping with a Toddler

I haven't had any blog posts lately so I thought I'd include a random pic from our trip to the mall yesterday. So, everyone knows that shopping with a toddler can be a challenge (to say the least). Well, this trip was no exception. She wanted to climb on, in, over, under, and through everything she saw. I bet we went up and down the escalators 20 times while Erik was browsing. She did like that. What possessed us to not take her stoller in, I'll never know. Or what possessed us to even go in the first place, I'll never know. We hate the mall but Erik had a gift card to there that was burning a hole in his pocket. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon so we thought we'd try it out.

Even through all the chasing of Elaina, we did get a chuckle at her when I went to find her and she had found this random hat and put it on her head.... At least we got one laugh. This pic taken from my camera phone.

That was the only laugh we had the whole trip, trust me. We were exhausted by the end of that trip and were never more glad to get home.... Toddlers - gotta love em! :)

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