Valentines Day

Valentines Day was over a week ago, but I'm behind - what else is new....??? We had a pretty low key Valentines Day but it was enjoyable nonetheless... We spent the day at home together as a family and I made chocolate covered strawberries again as I did last year. I am thinking I like this tradition and will continue to do it. This year I made white chocolate dipped ones too. I also made Oreo truffles which are DELICIOUS if you've never had them. No pics of them - they're not as pretty.

Elaina got gifts of things such as candy, candy, and more candy (M&Ms mainly).... and some bubbles and stickers. She was so happy to get bubbles....
I got Erik the game of Bananagrams... super fun if you've never played it. It is right up Erik's alley, he loves scrabble and this game is a take on scrabble. If you've never played, you should, it's fun. We hope you all had a great Valentines Day! Much love to you all from the Stringfellows!

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