The things Elaina says...

So, I've seen several people do posts like this just to quote some things their kids say that are either cute or funny. So, I thought, I'd jot down a few recent things Elaina has said that have either tickled me or made me smile.... Plus, this way I can remember them later in life.

1. "Here Me Am, Mommy" which means "Here I am, Mommy"

2. "That's Daddy's Mud?" every time we pass all the mud at the end of our subdivision caused by construction in the road. Here is the story behind that. Erik played mud volleyball back in June and Elaina and I watched. She was really weirded out about all the mud and talked about it for a few days. About 2 months later, Erik left the house to go play basketball. She asked me where he was and I said "Daddy is playing basketball." Elaina responded with "In the mud?" Apparently she thinks he plays all sports in the mud and that all mud is now "daddy's mud."

3. "I want toose of them" which means "I want two of them" For some reason, "two" is "toose" when referring to how many she wants

4. Her teacher told me that the other day she was trying to tell her friend, Anna Grace, something at school. Evidently, Anna Grace was not listening so Elaina blurted out in a commanding voice "Anna Grace Claire!!" Apparently Elaina thinks everyone's middle name is Claire. That really cracks me up - especially since Anna Grace already goes by her first and middle name. She calls me "Mommy Claire' sometimes.

5. The other morning when I went to get her out of her crib, she asked "Where's Daddy?" I said, Daddy is at work. To that she replied, "It's just me and us?" I said, "yes, just me and us." Too cute

That is all for now but stay tuned, you never know what will come out of a 2 1/2 year olds mouth :)

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