Oct 18th - So, Erik has just started working a 9/80 schedule at work so he now has every other Friday off. Since I am off every Friday, I am super excited about this because we will be able to spend some quality time together as a family every other Friday - something which we don't get a lot of these days. Erik's first Friday off was yesterday. We wanted to go on a picnic but the weather decided to get rainy and a bit cold on us. So, we took Elaina to Bounce USA. Needless to say, all 3 of us had a great time. I'm telling you, it was a blast. I highly recommend it. Here are some shots and video of the experience.
At first all we could get Elaina to do was ride on this toy...

Once I got in the jump "thing" with her, she warmed up quickly. sorry no picks of mommy jumping :)

This was by far her favorite. It took a time or two for her to smile going down it. This is slide #1....she's a bit stiff in this one
slide #2.... a little more relaxed
slide #3 - notice the smile this time

Elaina and her daddy resting after all that sliding. Daddy looks tired after all of that sliding... :) or maybe it was all the walking up to the top that pooped him out.
slide #4 was with me... I look like such a dork but I was having fun
me and Elaina - I look like less of a dork in this pic

After all the sliding, she really warmed up to the whole experience and went into the "under 2" play area and had a ball with the balls... she loved this.

And I promised video - maybe this is overkill on the pics and videos but we had such a good time and am so excited about it, I want to share with everyone all the details.
one more... sorry :) this is Elaina playing in the "under 2" play area. She took the balls out, handed them to Erik, and then put them back in. I got her to show off her bouncing abilities too (as little as they are, but still fun).