Oct 6th - Elaina is 15 months old today. I'm sure as a mother, you have moments where you look at your child and you think "when did you become a big kid?" Well, I had that moment for the first time last week before I put Elaina in the car to go to school. She was in the garage trying to play with her tricycle and I stopped dead in my tracks and said out loud "Elaina, you look so big. When did that happen?" I stopped what I was doing and went and got the camera, tearing up on the way, to take a picture of that moment. I don't know if it was the outfit or what about that moment that made me say that, but it hit me. I thought it was an appropriate post for her 15 month post. I guess those moments will never end. My prayer is that they come slowly. Here is what she was doing and what she looked like at the moment.

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