Thanksgiving and Bounce House - take 2

The Stringfellow family enjoyed another Thanksgiving. We have much to be thankful for. This year was a good Thanksgiving - eventful, yet, uneventful all at the same time. We enjoyed Thanksgiving supper on Wednesday night with my Dad's side of the family and then on Thursday, we enjoyed Thanksgiving lunch with Erik's side of the family. We did not have to travel far for that one - just walk upstairs :) I did not take many shots of this years Thanksgiving for some reason but here are a few shots...

Elaina with her uncle Kevin... just thought this was a sweet moment. He's coloring with her after dinner.

Elaina ate too much turkey and started acting like one - bucket on the head... she's so silly.

Beautiful girl....

The day after Elaina's second Thanksgiving, we took Elaina to the Bounce House for her second visit there. She LOVES that place - especially the slide. I won't overwhelm you with loads and loads of pics and videos like I did last time but I do have to show you this one of Elaina going down by herself. Her Daddy was not there so I let her go down by herself (something he would not let her do the first time). She loved it. So much so that I could not keep her off the thing. Here is the footage of her solo flight down the slide (one of many)....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is one good looking uncle she has.