Pajama Day

Today, Elaina had her Christmas Party at her school. To celebrate, it was Pajama Day. So, I sent her to school in her PJs... I was able to put her hair up into pigtails which I've never attempted before. I am glad her hair is long enough to do this because it's pretty cute. She has a bath robe with a hood that she has never worn before because it's not the most practical thing for a baby to wear. So, rather then a jacket, for PJ day, she wore her bathrobe over her PJs. It was pretty fun... Here are some pics...

Okay, so a few more shots of her over the recent days.... These are just of her having fun around the house...

Eating a string cheese stick - her favorite

More cheese eating... The shirt is for all you grandma's out there. Pay close attention to the message.

Just a good pic of her laughing
Elaina's Papaw has a massager that he uses on his shoulder everyday. Everytime she spots him with it on, she climbs up in his chair with him and wants to use it too. She loves for him to use it on her back as evidenced in this pic below.... precious.

1 comment:

Wes and Ashley said...

How fun! I love the pigtails. We hope that yall have a great Christmas and good luck with the move!!