Happy 8th Birthday, Elaina

July 6, 2015 - Elaina turned 8 years old.  Major event of our summer.  Her birthday fell on a Monday so I took the day off to hang with her.  Here is a re-cap of the day

The night before at small group, I made her iced brownies and spelled her name out in these candy decorations

The morning of her birthday, she woke up to a present from her Daddy.  He had to go to work so he left her a card and present to open in the morning.

She got some Shopkins....her current obsession.  More on that in later blog post

Her friend Kaelyn came over and we loaded up and went to Dollywood (her pick)

Elaina and Kaelyn

After a fun day at Dollywood, we got home to open a few gifts/cards.

The coolest gift of the day was a package we received from Disney World.  What??  It came completed with several gifts and a card from several Princesses thanking her for coming to Disney World and wishing her a Happy Birthday. (Thank you to the greatest friends, Carl and Sabrina, for going above and beyond and doing this for her).  As you can see from the video she was super excited about it.

A video of the excitement

It was a super fun day for Elaina. I enjoyed spending the day with her.  8 years is hard to believe.  We love everything about the sweet girl she is growing into.

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