Christmas Day

Christmas Day...Santa came.....presents, presents, presents.  It was fun.  Good time with family and spending it in our new home was awesome.  In our new house she has to walk through the living room to get to our room so she came running in screaming "Santa came and he brought me a HUUUUUUUUGE Hello Kitty doll!!!"  That was fun to wake up to - even if it was early.

Just some photos of the day...

Underwear in the stocking..what kids doesn't love getting underwear for Christmas?

Hello Kitty slippers

Can you tell someone likes Hello Kitty in our house?

DS games....

The ever popular Rainbow Loom...she's been asking for this for months.

I love these open mouth surprised reactions....priceless.

She helped Erik and I open up our gifts, too

Later that morning, we headed over to Erik's parents.  All the little girls got matching set outfits for their American Girl dolls.  Elaina wore hers for at least 3 days straight after Christmas

Our nephew Zach got an Alabama chair....his thrown.  We still love him even though he claims to be an Alabama fan :)
That's all I got from Christmas Day.....

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