House update

I have been bad about updating the house progress...well, I have been bad about posting much of anything up to date.  So.... let's catch up.  It's been an exciting 2 week.  Lots of framing going on.  It's looking like a real house :)  It's very exciting.  This part goes fast.

Pouring footers

started building the base, crawl space

finished crawl space
From the back yard... -

From the road
We knew that on 11/2/12 they had started constructing the floor. We knew they would be finishing up on 11/3/12 (Saturday) so we thought we go just to see the floor. Well, they started constructing walls while we were there.  We got to see the first wall go up. Very exciting... Here it is:

More walls - the one between our bathroom and bedroom going up.  The guy on the right in the white shirt is standing in Erik and my bedroom.  One in the red shirt is in our bathroom

Second wall....

View from the side...

Third wall

View of the first wall on the left side of house from the back yard

Erik's room.... HA HA HA!!!
The next day we took Elaina back to see.  She was SOOOO excited to actually see something that resembled a house.  Very cool to see her face.  She asks every day if our house is ready.

More walls were built after we left on 11/3/12
Entire first floor framed most of the 2nd floor framed
View from back

View from front

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Anonymous said...