Halloween 2012

Halloween was great this year... as always.  A fun time was had by all....  lots of candy was gathered and we are still working on getting rid of it all.  By getting rid of it all, I mean eating it.  I have been on a fast from sweets since just before Halloween so I have big plans to partake in eating some of it in a few days :)

Now on to the festivities....
First up... Boo at the Zoo, Friday October 26th
We went with Erik's mom, Mamaw.  It was fun walking around gathering candy and seeing the Halloween costumes.
Elaina decided she wanted to be Belle this year.  Which was great with me because we already have a Belle costume in her "dress up" clothes.  Done.

Gathering her loot

At the end of the night, she wanted to take her pic with each of the Peanuts characters... so we did.

Peppermint Patty

Charlie Brown



And, my favorite - Sally.  I love how Elaina mimicked her... laughing at that silly girl :)

Next was pumpkin carving... a few days before Halloween.  Fun times and always a good tradition.

We let her carve some this year....

The finished products
 Now, Halloween night....
The day of Halloween while we were getting dressed, she decided she wanted to be Rapunzel.......again.  She was that last year.  Whatever, sometimes you just go with it.  5 year olds are a bit unpredictable. 

First stop was trunk or treat at our church.  We met the Fords there....and Elaina got to see Olivia ....  they had not seen each other in a while so that was fun.  Look at them holding hands.  Sweetness.  BTW - we did not coordinate their costumes.  Just showed up that way  They were the same down to the pink buckets and all

Our good friend, Dave was handing out candy...  nice costume, Banana man.

And, you know these people.. our dear friends, Carl and Sabrina were handing out loot too....  It was good to see them.
After trunk or treat we went trick or treating at our friends, Matt and Brandi, house/neighborhood. I did not take any pictures there - not sure why.  It was super fun and Elaina loaded up on candy and had a great time with her friends Jack and Owen. 
That wraps up Halloween this year.  As always, fun times, family, great friends, and good candy.   Can't beat it :)

1 comment:

The Ford Family said...

Love your carvings! Elaina does a great job!