Some more of the same....

More pictures of our fun times at the beach........

Wednesday night Tami and Justin graciously kept Elaina while Erik and I went to dinner to celebrate our 11 year anniversary which was on May 16th.  Oddly enough, Wednesday was Justin and Tami's 7 year anniversary so why were we going out and not them???  Not sure, but they were nice enough to do that for us.

Our view at dinner

Our dinner spot, it was delicious

The happy couple - I am not a fan of this picture of me but it's all I got. 

Thursday morning, me and these three kiddos took a walk down the beach to find shells....

While walking, a wave came up and left all these tiny fish flopping on the sand.  The kids thought it was so cool and picked 2 up a piece and put them in their buckets.  You can sort of see them in  this picutre to the right.  This was super fun for them to carry around for a while - it was short lived.  They died within 10 minutes or so.

While I did that, Erik and Justin were building a sand castle.

Finished product

After the beach was the pool..... Elias joined us for a pool visit

He is just the cutest

A great family photo of the Fords


Erik made a friend at the pool, Carley.  She loved Erik and showed her affection a few times... very sweet

Later that day, the boys played paddle ball while I took the kids to the pool

After dinner we went to play Putt Putt (does anyone else call it that?).  Growing up we had a miniature golf place that we played at all the time called Putt Putt golf so I have always call it that.  Not sure if I am the only one.  The girls had matching hair do's again  - it's hard to tell from this picture though.  But, how sweet is this picture???

The whole crew....  it's the only one from the trip so far.  I love it!

This was Elaina's first time playing miniature golf.... she really liked it.  We will be taking her again soon.

We had a small rain shower blow through on hole 11 so we went inside to wait it out - ski ball was played.  Fun

Justin won the game...  I was last.  Boo!  But, we all had fun. 

Another great couple of days....  We have 1 day left :(  But we plan to keep the fun going until the last minute..... 

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