Let The Christmas blogging begin

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas.  We sure did.  Christmas Day was a bit exhausting but totally worth it - we had fun with family and enjoyed spending Christmas Eve and Day with them.  We crashed when we got home, that is for sure.
The first post I will dedicate to our second annual Gingerbread decorating party with our friends, the Fords.  We  had such a good time doing this last year that we had to do it again this year.  The Fords just welcomed their third child, Elias James.  He is so precious.  Because of his arrival a few weeks ago we had to put the gingerbread making off closer to Christmas but we are able to squeeze it in just before and were glad.  These first few pictures are some of Elias....

This is a picture of me holding him when he was a couple of days old as Elaina looks on

Elaina held him - this is the first baby she has ever held.  She's never really been into holding babies but after she saw Olivia do it, she had to join in.

This is me and Elias the other day when we did Gingerbread houses.  He is already so much bigger

Silly husbands.....  All ready for Santa Claus
 Now, onto gingerbread house decorating...

Getting ready...

Elaina and Olivia are old pros at this

Erik is an "old" pro too :)

The kids put a on a performance for us...  Isaac's outfit reflected in the flash

And the finished products

Don't you love the stick figure on the left.... I do.
This was super fun again this year.....  Thanks again to the Fords - can't wait until year #3.

More Christmas Eve and Day Festivities to come..... 

1 comment:

The Ford Family said...

I just caught Isaac eating a gingerbread house off the table. the only thing left was the bottom of the house with icing. The roof and all candy was gone. Thanks for the fun!!