Hair cut....cuteness!

On Saturday Erik had a hair cut appointment and I told him - Elaina and I are coming with you.  His hair stylist has trimmed her hair in the past.  I have been considering cutting her hair for a while because it has just been getting so dried/frizzy at the ends.  All that hair on the ends has been growing out for about 3 years.  We've had her hair trimmed before but never cut it majorly....  We cut about 5-6 inches off.  I love it - it, of course, makes her look older.  We basically just cut it even with where her bangs has grown out.  Just a cute 4-year old bob.  She was very excited about it.  Two of the girls in her class have short dues so she was excited to have hair like theirs. 



After (still wet)

And after....

after.....from the back

1 comment:

Evan and Marta said...

I like it! I'm glad *she* didn't start her haircut herself.