
I have the greatest friends!!!  About 2 weeks ago, me and my friends, Tonja and Sabrina, had a date set to go out to eat.  Unknown to me and Tonja, Sabrina had planned a homemade dinner for me and Tonja at my house.  I came home from work to a set table, dinner in the oven, and salad in the refrigerator.  The husbands were all in on it too so they went out to eat while we enjoyed a night at home with each other.  Tonja's daughter Christine came and Elaina was able to hang out with us too.  It was so very fun and a very nice surprise.  Sabrina did it in honor of our birthdays - mine in August and Tonja's in September.  She wanted the daughters to celebrate long with us (Christine is studying abroad this semester so this was her send off too). 

BTW - I should have known something was up when Erik picked up AND vacuumed the downstairs the night before.  Don't get me wrong, he is a great help but usually only does those things when there is company coming over.  :)
So, a special thanks and love you BIG to Sabrina for doing that for us. 

Photos from the night....
me, Tonja, and Sabrina

Mom's with their daughters... Tonja, Christine, and you know those other two characters over there on the right

Adorable pic of Christine with Elaina....

Sabrina made the cake... it's a teapot cake.  I was originally going to do a teapot cake for Elaina b-day but decided on the princess cake last minute.  So, she did one for the occasion. 

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