Halloween weekend

So, Halloween 2010 was not full of boredom, that is for sure.  We had a wonderful time this past weekend making lots of Halloween memories.  Here are some shots of the fun (this post may be a sort of long one but I want to just get this all in in one).

This past week she has really been a stinker about taking her picture.  She always has her hands in her face.  This is her in her Halloween costume the day we got it, just wanted to try it on.  Looks like it fit, and pretty darn cute.  She wanted to be a bee like her friend, Addie, was last year.

We successfully bribed her in this picture to put her hands down :)  Here is her in her princess outfit for our pirates and princess event at church.  She went 3 times, let's just say she loved every minute of being a princess

On Saturday morning we carved our pumpkin - she loved digging the goop out with the "shovel" - so she called it.

Helping daddy carve

Final product - and a pretty cute shot of Elaina if I do say so myself.  I'm sorry.....I'm such a mom.

Here she is with her Aunt Nell before we went trick or treating.  You'll notice Nell had to hold her hands down.

We went trick or treating with our small group and all their kids - very fun - at Julie and Jack's house.  The costume winner was Mason, a 1 year old dressed as a cow.  But not just any cow, the Chik-Fil-A cow.  Totally adorable.  So, there wasn't contest but if there was, he had my vote.

All the kiddos before we ventured out.  Let's just say this shot was about as good as it got.  Getting a pic of all of them is no small feat.

This is Elaina and her friend Addie.  They held hands for the first 3-4 houses.  So sweet.  She just LOVES Addie.
If you will recall, her and Elaina held hands last year while walking through Boo at the Zoo...here they are last year.  Note: Addie is a bee

Getting candy -  this lady passed out tubs of playdough... nice! 

And finally, when we got home, we were able to serve some trick or treaters at our house.  Elaina thought it was super fun to hand out candy.  Here she is sitting in the candy bowl waiting on people.  The bowl only had about 3 left so no worries, no candy was harmed in the making of this picture ;)

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