Granny turns 60

On November 12th, my mom turned 60.  To celebrate we surprised her with a fun night.  I told her to come to my house for dinner with my sisters, Kate and Nell.......or so she thought.  When she got here, we told her we were not going to cook, we were going out.  So, she said "great!"  While we waited, my sister Abby from Nashville and her family showed up, then her sister and an old family friend showed up.  The grandkids all did a skit called "When Granny was my age" which was totally adorable.  We included a presentation of pictures of her when she was the age of each grandkid.  I videoed it but it is entirely to long to put on the blog.

Then, the final surprise, we walked her outside to a limousine that took us to dinner.  It was a very very fun night and she was completely surprised.  It was very cool to surprise her in this way.

My mom and all her girls..... Kate, Abby, mom, me, and Nell

This kids took a ride in the limo before we left.  They thought that was SO cool.

Mom and Gale

My aunt Maria, Dave and Nell

Kate, Dave, and Nell

Doug and Abby - check out my cheesy sister, Nell, in the background

Me and Erik
It was such a fun night - Happy Birthday, Mom!  We love you!

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