Riding in the back seat....

So, this blog is a tribute to what goes on in the backseat of the car as we travel across town from here to there.  We've posted other fun shots in the past of what happens in the back seat but here are some more.  There is a LOT of singing that goes on in the backseat.  Elaina is a big singer.  There is also some other fun stuff.  Check it out.

Once again, she had the camera...  a close up of her face

And her feet - there are literally 20+ pictures on our camera just like this one.  Thank goodness for digital cameras.  Speaking of this, when my mom saw these pics, she told me this story about me when I was little.  I was about 6 years old or so.  We had a station wagon and I offered to sit in the very back (you know, sitting facing backwards).  Evidently, this was something I never normally wanted to do.  We were on our way to the mountains for the day.  Well, when we got there, I had taken a whole roll of pictures and eaten all the bananas - around 6 of them.   I like bananas, but 6 of them??  When my mom got the film developed, it was pictures like this one and pictures of the cars behind us.

And now, some singing from Elaina.... She had trouble with finding the right tune of "Jesus Love Me." She was singing it to the tune of "I'm a Nut" :)

1 comment:

The Gaillards said...

She is so darn cute!! Loved all her songs!