Weekend Getaway

Erik and I went to the mountains this past weekend.  We had intended upon going to Notre Dame for our annual football trip but decided to not go this year.  This is a little bittersweet since we have gone every year for about the past 8-9 years.  But, there is always next year.  So, we opted to take a shorter trip up to the mountains.  It was fantastic.  We relaxed, took a hike, I read a book (which I have not read that much in that short of a time in SO long), and enjoyed each other's company.  Elaina was in good hands back home with her mamaw and papaw.  Not many shots of the weekend but here are a few....

A view from where we stayed.  The weather was amazing

Me just before I started the trek up the mountain to Grotto Falls

The happy couple at the falls - ironicallly, the campus at Notre Dame has a Grotto so hiking to Grotto Falls only seemed appropriate to pay homage to our "would have been" trip to Notre Dame

My wonderful husband....  He's the greatest!

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