
We took Elaina up to the Aquarium of the Smokies a few weeks ago.  She had never been so we were pretty excited about taking her.  She really liked it although she was a little afraid of some of the stuff which was expected knowing her.  She did not like going into the dark parts - kind of freaked her out - and I can't say that I blame her. It is a bit scary.  And, she was not into touching any of the animals that you can touch, which is just like her mother so she comes by it honestly.  Here are some shots of the day.

Here she is checking out a starfish

I forget what we were looking at - some sort of something swimming in the water

She loved this huge fish tank - she kept screaming "it almost got me daddy!" when a fish would swim close to the glass in front of her and would just laugh so hard.

This was in the tunnel that went under the water.  Honestly, she was more infatuated with the moving sidewalk then she was any of the fish or shark.  She did see a sea turtle and loved it.  She still talks about seeing the sea turtle.

Erik touching the crab (or whatever it was).  Just like her mama, she did not want to touch anything

Erik and Elaina inside the fish tank - look at her point to the fish that looked like Dorie.

And then I crawled in there with her

Then we climbed in the penguin exhibit.  She loved the penguins.  I love penguins too - how can you not?  They are so gosh darn cute.

I love this pic - just the two of us with the Penguin.  She was a bit freaked out by this penguin so she is snuggled up to me for protection

The only reason I show this picture is because of how tired she looks.  I tried to get a mother daughter shot after we were done but she would not smile.  Needless to say, she sacked out quickly on the car ride home

And to complete our tour, a picture of the sign on the front of the building... courtesy of Erik :)

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