Potty Funny

So Elaina has been showing an interest in the potty. Pretty much everyday a couple of times a day she wants to sit on it but so far not so much as a drop has come out. It's okay, it's early yet -we will try as much as possible to enhance her interest in it. Here is where the funny story comes in...

Normally, when I sit her down, I ask her if she can pee-pee or "make water" because I feel like relating the pee-pee to water will help her understand what she needs to do. Anyway, yesterday when I sat Elaina down, I asked "Do you need to make water?" Then, she said........"No, milk"

So funny!

1 comment:

The Ford Family said...

Ha Ha! Good one! Justin & I have been compiling a list of funny things Olivia says. Elaina's comment would have made it on the list!