We made it...

We arrived yesterday to the house and we have internet acces. So, I thought I'd blog a bit while we are here. The trip was good, safe, and uneventful. Elaina traveled very very well. We arrived about 4:00pm yesterday afternoon. We hit the beach for the evening. Elaina was not too crazy about the sand. She didn't mind the water but she hated the sand. We're hoping that by the end of the week she will be used to it because she has already showed progress. Here are some shots of yesterday.

This is about all she would do yesterday. She'd sit on your lap and let the waves come up and get her wet. Not much touching of the sand.
Her first dip in the ocean. She liked this as long as you were holding her
Today was much better. She sat for a long time and played in the sand with her beach toys. She loved this. We had a tent so we were able to stay out there for a long time. She still won't walk in the sand but she will play in it. Progress.
After playing in the sand, she went and sat on the sand in the water. She loved this too.

After a 3-HOUR nap (can you believe that??), we went out to the pool. She was SO tired so we are thrilled she took a 3 hour nap. She needed it. She was in a fantastic mood after that and had a ball at the pool.
Here is shot of Erik throwing her up in the air. She loved it!Elaina swimming with her Aunt Kate

Stay tuned for more pics of the week.... see you soon!

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