Father's Day

I had hoped to have this post up before now but, well, you know, that didn't happen. Sunday was Father's Day. We had a good day. Elaina enjoyed coloring her daddy's card and giving him his gift. Here are some pics of Elaina coloring her daddy's card. We got him one of those big singing cards that was right up Erik's ally. It was Hoops and Yo-Yo singing a silly song - let's just say it was bathroom humor. If you know Erik, you will know that that is just the thing that makes him crack up....
Listening to the card - she loved listening to it and laughed a lot when the song played.

After Elaina's nap, we presented Erik with his gift. Erik wanted a new hammer. Elaina and I went to Home Depot to pick it out. Elaina has a small bruise on her forehead from knocking the hammer into it - oops. Not very good parenting.

So next is a cute video of Erik listening to his card - I think Elaina is so cute watching him open it....

Keeping in line with Father's Day - last Sunday, Erik washed his motorcycle. Elaina decided to help. Here are some cute shots of her helping him wash it - very sweet.

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