Elaina's B-Day Party

So, I know it's not Elaina's birthday yet but last weekend we had a birthday party with her friends from small group at Bounce USA. Needless to say, she had a fabulous time jumping and playing with her friends. We had the party early because her birthday falls on a holiday weekend and it's hard to do a party then with everything else going on. We are doing a small family party with just cake at our house on Sunday. Her are some shots from the party... They are a little blurry - I had the camera on a different setting them normal and didn't realize it.

Elaina's Mickey Mouse Cake

Elaina eating her cake - delicious!
Opening gifts

Elaina and me
Elaina's friend, Addie

Elaina taking a breather from all the fun

Elaina's friend, Case, with his mom, Lindsi
Elaina's friend, Laurel
Some of the girls from our small group..
left: Katie, Tina, me, Lindsi
top left: Elisabeth, Jodie

Elaina's friend Greyson, with his dad, Dustin
Elaina's friend, Case - he likes to "cheese" just like Elaina does

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