Small Group Fall Party

Sunday evening, our small group had a fall party and did fun games and activities with the kids...  Some pics of the action....
We decorated pumpkins - these kits you can buy to stick/poke into/onto the pumpkins were perfect for the kids.  The girls did cats.

Elaina's cat

And, Ms. Caitlyn

Some boys did pirates.  This one is Alek's pumpkin

.... and some did mummies (Jack's mummy)

Then we roasted some dogs over an open flame... delicious!

Next up was games... we did a relay race (girls against boys) where they carried spoon fulls of candy corn from one bucket to a container down the yard.  Very fun and fun to watch.

Elaina being careful not to drop any....

Patrick - look at the concentration on that kid


Owen looks like he is about to eat his scoopful
Caitlyn - look at the form.

I love Olivia's face...  It's all in how you hold your mouth :)

The girls bowl... the boys won this particular game.
We also did a pumpkin rolling contest - boys against girls... the girls won that contest.  No pics from this event.

Next, we played the "grand prize game" - any adults remember this game? Bozo did not make an appearance.  The kids loved this game.  This is them lined up watching Owen toss.

Next up... marshmellow roasting for SMORES, baby!  YUM!  I ALWAYS love a smore - always!

The Bellis family

Then the kids decorated cookies...always a fun time

I am not sure who is more excited- Alek or his dad, Chad...

There was not a contest but if there would have been, Brandi would have won the best cookie.

The final activity of the night was a marshmellow fight....?  Impromptu but totally fun.  I am not sure who started it but it ended up with Brandi whipping out the leftover bag of marshmellows and the kids (and adults) started chucking them at each other.  Totally fun.  It was my first marshmellow fight ever.  Won't be my last.  

Totally and completely LOVE my small group family.  We always have fun no matter what we do...  Can't wait for our next party.

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