Disney on Ice

These past few days were Elaina's fall break at school.  It's her "first one" being grade schooler so it's a milestone, I guess.  She stayed with my sister, her Aunt Kate, Thursday and Friday - thanks, Kate!  She always loves to stay with her aunt Kate - she is super duper fun!

Thursday night, Erik and I took her Disney on Ice.  Her second time to go.  The first time we sat very close to the ice and Elaina ducked down behind a chair the first 10-15 minutes of the show because the big bright people in costumes scared her.  This time, we sat up higher and she was not scared at all.  I personally did not like this show as much as the last but that is my personal opinion.  But, she still loved it.

Before the show started.... with a tinkerbell spinny light thing...

Daddy and daughter


Little Mermaid - did not get pictures of Ariel....oops!


Being silly during intermission

A less silly pose

The entire second half was Toy Story... Jessie, her favorite Toy Story character

And, Woody.

It was a great night to spend as a family....  More to come from the weekend of Fall Break. Stay Tuned :)

1 comment:

Aunt Kate said...

Thanks for the shout out my sister. I think Elaina is AWESOME!