Sun and Sand

The fun continues.... Lots of sun, sand, water, and good times.  The weather is amazing - hot and sunny.  Monday and Tuesday pics below....... (WARNING: this is a long post)
Every morning the kids eat breakfast here.... 

Monday - The Ford children with Erik and Justin... Elaina got a face full of water on Monday morning and will not go in the water past her knees.... 

Here we are trying to convince her to go in.

This was the kids watching their dads body surf.  They cheered the entire time (literally) - Go Daddy, Go Daddy, Go, Go, Go Daddy!  Very entertaining.  Non stop cheering.  Even passers by thought it was entertaining.

Later that night, it was a run to the pier for gelato... a pose on the pier of Lil Miss Elaina

Olivia and Elaina

First it was matching PJs, next is matching hair do's

The kiddos

Tuesday Erik, Elaina and I hit the beach in the morning... Elaina buried her legs up to her knees in the sand

I haven't posted any pool pics... we've spent a good amount of time in the pool, probably more than the beach

This cracks me up... Elaina has decided she loves to jump in like this, a pencil jump - although when she did it she did not know it had a name. 

Tonight we went and ate at this place called Dewey Destin - It should be called DELICIOUS Dewey Destin.  It is a bit of a dive but the food is amazing and the atmosphere is great - right on the water. 

The gang.... minus Erik who was taking the picture

Justin, our resident photographer took this shot - LOVE it.

The Fords - me, the not so resident photographer, took this shot

This is the restaurant.... not much to it, looks like a strong wind could blow it over and it probably really could.

They cook out of a food truck out back.

Afterwards, Erik and I took Elaina to one of those go cart/bumper boat/ride places.  Super fun.  We just loved hanging out with that sweet girl.  We had a great time - especially her.  We enjoyed watching her have fun.

Carousel - this kids loves them.  If she sees one, she has to ride it.

Bumper boats - this was very entertaining.  Erik took her, he got soaked.  It was fun to watch.

This is him soaking me... look at his face.  So mean!

Ferris Wheel

Train ride

We topped off the night with ice cream.  Yum!  This trip has been so much fun so far....  More to come.   Thank for tuning in....

1 comment:

The Schaffers said...

So fun!!! I can't wait to take the boys to the beach!