Happy 4th Birthday Elaina!!

On Wednesday, Elaina turned 4.  You could have fooled her.  She has told everyone she was 4 for at least a week now.  So, the day was just another day for her.  Erik and I took the day off to spend with her.  We wanted her to decide what we were going to be doing.  Well, turns out, not very much.  She did say she wanted to eat breakfast at Chick-fil-A (same as last year).  Then we went to Toys R Us to pick her out a gift.  Then she said she wanted to come home.  I think the poor girl was tired from the weekend so we enjoyed the day at home.  We didn't mind obliging her request.

In the afternoon, we went to her school to take cupcakes for her class friends.  That was fun... 

And now...as usual... pics from the day:

Of course, after she ate, she wanted to play on the play thing at Chick-fil-A

At home, we opened up her new Lite Brite the her aunt Melinda got for her and played with it.  She loved it and secretly so did I.  I used to love mine as a kid so it brought back a lot of memories.  It's cool to do the kind of stuff that you did when you were little with your children. Good times.

At her school - here are the girls eating cupcakes

And the boys....

Anna Grace, Katherine, and Elaina.... they are big buddies.
It was a fantastic day.  We can't believe it's been 4 years.  They have flown by so quickly and I know the rest is sure to come even quicker.  We are so blessed with this little wee one.  We love you, Elaina!

1 comment:

Wes and Ashley said...

Happy birthday Elaina! Sounds like my kind of day :)