4th of July

This fourth of July was great.  Full of family, friends, food, and fun... and fourth!!! (lame, I know).  Anyway, to recap, the weekend started out with a play date with Elaina's friends Olivia and Isaac.  We love hanging out with them so much.  Tami (the mom) is pregnant again with a boy and we were discussing baby names.  I think she needs to name it an "A" name so we could have combined kids that start with A,E,I,O.  The next baby can be a "U" name.  Not sure that's gonna happen.  Anyway, I think it's a great idea.  Not sure Tami is on board but we'll see.

Olivia, Elaina, and Isaac

Saturday we went over to Erik's parents house in the early afternoon to celebrate.  They normally conduct a very crazy firework war but this year they opted out of it (I am VERY thankful for that).  Instead, we filled the day with games, laughs, and good food.  For the kids- a slip and slide which literally kept them occupied for hours.  Above is Elaina prepping for her first slide.

Cornhole... always a good time.

Here is Elaina on the slip and slide.  This was her first time on one - she liked it and did relatively well.  She slid on her knees most of the time but she did not seem to mind.  Ouch, is all I can say.

A post slide pose....

For dinner - low country boil!!! Oh yeah!!!  Delish!!

Kelsey, Liana, and Elaina eating their grub....

Kevin and Erik making their plates

We also had a quick b-day celebration for Elaina who will be 4 on the 6th.  Here she is blowing out her candles.  Because she had her party early, she is convinced she is already 4.  She can't grasp that her actual birthday is not here yet.  Oh well, we'll go with it.

Then, the adult (boys) had a try at the slip and slide.  Needless to say, this brought on a few good laughs.  Here is Erik on one of his slides.


And the other Brandon - the family currently has 2 Brandon's.  One niece is married to a Brandon, her sister is dating another.  Makes it nice and confusing.  We also have Elaina and Liana (which can get confusing) and Erin (me) and my nephew, Aaron.  Sheesh! 
 Next on to the 3rd of July...

First the three of us went to our neighborhood pool.  We had fun.  We always take Elaina in the wagon.  She was pretty tired so on the way back, she rode like this......I thought she would fall asleep.  She did not.

After a great nap, we celebrated at our church's 4th event.  It was fun - lots to do for the kids, free food, free entertainment, and free blistering hot sun.  No, it wasn't that terrible but it was hot.  We had a good time hanging with our small group friends.  The only downside was that it was SO crowded.  Elaina only got to do a few blow up things.  She wanted cotton candy SO bad so we waited in line for 35 minutes for cotton candy.  She waited so patiently with me.  I was amazed - just stood quietly waiting.  I kept asking her if she wanted something else as a way to get out of waiting but she wanted some that bad.  The things you do for you kid....

Dancing to the music

Playing with her friend Olivia (a different one)
 Then, finally on to the 4th. We celebrated with our usual Farragut 4th of July parade.  My niece, Alexandra, marched in it again this year.  So, we like to go see her.  Elaina was pretty tired from the weekend's activities so she was very chill during it.  She sat in the chair most of the time.  So, we headed back to my mom's a bit early to let her rest.  Afterwards, mom and Gale made BBQ for the neighborhood and we helped with that - and got some pretty delicious food too.
Waiting on the parade... in her shades

With her granny...


The rest of the day was relaxing at home... Whew!  Good weekend but busy.  We were going to go swimming but a storm rolled in.  Secretly, I was glad.  It gave a good excuse to stay in and relax.  We hope your 4th was a good one too!

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