We have a 2nd grader

School started last week.  Elaina is officially a second grader even though we have been calling her that all summer.  It's now official.  

One week into it....things are great.

I have told several people that this year was easy.....not sure why but I think it just means that we (and by we, I mean Elaina) are finally discovering our routine with school.  Maybe?  She has now realized that this is just what we do for 9 months out of the year with 3 months off in between.  Or, she is just growing up.

And, mom and dad were not near as weepy and stuff the first day.  We are growing up too!!! :)  ha ha!

This was a week before school started when we went backpack shopping.  She posed with the "heart" hand formation.  This screams "big girl" to me for some reason.

First day breakfast - fruit and muffins

And, the first day pic at the front door....

At her desk on day 1....she was all "okay, mom.  Stop taking my picture"  Again, that screams "big girl" to me.

This was day 4....I just thought she looked so "big" with her outfit, shoes, etc....
Theme of this post... "big"  I said it several times.
Here's to a great second grade year!

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