Fall Break - Topsail Island

Last week we traveled to Topsail Island, NC for a relaxing vacation at the beach. That's just what it was....relaxing.  Not much to report other than a lot of time walking the beach, jumping waves, searching for shells, swimming in the COLD pool (I got in...Erik - no so much), eating, and enjoying the family.  We went with Erik's parents, brother and his family, and sister and her daughter.  It really was a nice week - no agenda, just enjoying the beach and it's beauty and relaxing.  So, now onto pictures of the week.  - there's a lot (warning)

This was minutes after we arrived - Elaina ran out to put her feet in the ocean with her mamaw

Her favorite thing about the house was the bunk bed she got to sleep in....although she only slept in it 1 night (the rest of her sleeping was beside me and Erik

Lots of shell/rock searching went on

This was day 1 at the pool - this was right before she jumped in and did NOT jump in again that day. 

Sand castle building...this happened quite a bit but somehow Erik was always left alone doing it.  Elaina's attention to that activity did not last long

One of Elaina's favorite things to do on the beach was draw hearts in the sand....She was constantly leaned over making them

She made this - yes, it says "Erim" and Erik :)

We tried our hand in kite flying...didn't go so well.  But it was fun while it lasted.

We did venture out 1 day to shop for souvenirs...Elaina wanted her picture with this bear.  What the heck!

Then she told me to sit down...so I did.

More beach time...

I take a lot of picture of Elaina...I can't help it - I'm a mom :)

More castles

Good picture of Elaina with her mamaw

Cousin Brittany taught Elaina how to stand and let the water wash the sand back until your feel/calves were buried deep.  This was fun for her.

Posing before dinner one night

Our view

At dinner, the man was outside with this parrot.  He was very pretty - and LOUD

After dinner - Papaw treated everyone to Dairy Queen.  Dip cone anyone?

making a drip castle

Me and my main squeeze

Elaina did a lot of this.  When the tide was down, it left puddles of water on the shore.  Perfect for crawling through when you are 6. 

Jumping the waves...something else we did a lot of

Erik spent an hour one afternoon making this...pretty cool.

A close up - he carved out her name with plastic hoe tool and then filled it with tiny shells/rocks/pieces

Our drip castle Christmas trees...drip Christmas trees, I guess?

One final shot.....sideways.  Don't know??


The Ford Family said...

Ahhhh....memories..... LOVE the beach pics....especially all the sand creations!

Evan and Marta said...

It looks like you had a great time, Erim. :)