Cheer Camp

Elaina attended Cheer Camp at her school.  It's a week long program at her school to help raise money for the HS school cheer leading team.  They have this every year and last year she did not go.  For 2 weeks afterwards last year, I heard about how she did not go and she wanted to go.  So, this year, she was telling me all about it long before sign ups even happened.  So, we went for it.  There are a million stories/reasons this is not my ideal thing for her but she is only 6 and it was only 1 we went for it.

Turns was pretty cute and very fun for her.   I was glad she did it.  She got to stay after school a couple of hours all week with her friends (which she loved) and learn some cheers/dance that they did at halftime of the football game that Friday.  As long as she had fun, that is all that matters, I suppose. 

She told us little to nothing about what she learned so we were totally surprised and didn't know what to expect.  Check her out here....the video is just okay, I was dodging other people's heads/arms trying to get video of Elaina...She is the one in the middle, just to the left of the blond High School cheerleader on the left.

She was a "flyer" so they call it which means you are on the top (apparently).  I don't know cheer speak.  She loved it.  And, they did a dance thing.  It was cute.  Again, I was glad she got to do it - she did love every minute of it.

Before the game they had a family fun night complete with inflatables, face painting, games, food - what's not to love about that.  We went with her friend Gracee and her mom

Gracee and Elaina doing a pre-game pose - Go Rams!

Minutes before her big debut ;)

Elaina and her teacher, Ms. Caris

Elaina in front of the Ram

One final pose with her buddy Gracee before we headed home.
We didn't stay for the whole game since it was late but the Rams won.  That's a good thing.

1 comment:

The Ford Family said...

OMG! She looks like a real cheerleader!!!! EEKKK!!!! ;-)