The final link..........

WE'VE MOVED!!!  That's all.  Very exciting. 

Elaina tore off her final link the morning of April 6....the day of the move. It was a very exciting thing for her to do.

The final link also makes a great headband :)
It's been just over a week and it already feels like home. It's been a busy week but all the boxes are unpacked and everything is in place (I am a crazy fool about things being in their place). Now, there is just a pile of stuff to hang on the wall remaining. But, we'll get to that. This past weekend we had several visitors. I love welcoming people into our home. Such a nice feeling.
Friday night before we moved in and after we closed, we went to the house and got some things settled for the next day.  Elaina ate mac and cheese on the counter since we had no chairs.  I told her no other time would she be allowed to eat on the counter :)  She seems to enjoy eating on the counter
A pic from the day before we moved in

A friend of mine, Janel, got me these beautiful flowers the day we moved in.  :)  Happy.

Elaina had her first overnight guest this past Saturday, cousin Liana.  Here they are in her room reading a daily devotion together.  This was totally unprompted.  I walked in to kiss them goodnight and they were doing this.  Precious.
And, just for fun.....Have you ever been flipping through the pics on your phone and found silly pics that your kid has taken. I do quite often. These 3 made me laugh. There were more but these are the best of the bunch. She did these upstairs of the new house before it was done. Not exactly sure when but I remember her asking for the camera to go take some pictures upstairs while we were checking stuff out downstairs.

her nose...I thnk?

Her teeth and tongue

And the classic "hold the camera out and point it towards your face" shot.  Can't forget the shades :)

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