Easter egg dying/painting

Keeping with tradition....we got together at my mom's house this year for our annual Easter egg dying and painting.  This year, my sister Abby and her 2 girls, Sadie and Celia, came into town to join us.  As always, we all had a fun time hanging out together and decorating eggs.  My mom spends several weeks (not straight) blowing the yolks out of eggs a couple at a time and washing them out to prepare to decorate them.  I really love doing this and love that it has become such a great tradition.....

Now, on to shots - I forgot my camera so these are phone camera shots...they are okay, I guess.  Something to capture the memory....

Elaina, Sadie, and Celia dying eggs...

Now onto egg painting.....

All the grand kids - Celia, Quentin, Alexandra, Elaina, and Sadie (it was also Quentins' birthday so we celebrated him turning 13!!!  holy smokes, how is that possible??)

Alexandra... my camera phone made this picture a bit washed out but still a beautiful girl.

You know this silly kid.....

And this even sillier one...Quentin

Pretty Sadie....

Pretty Celia....

Hard at it!  These 2 looks like professionals....

Good times.....lots of laughs!  

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