Face painting

Elaina has had her face painted several times and loves it...  we play "face painting" all the time at home and pretend to paint all sorts of things on each other's faces. 

On Friday, we went to a fund raiser/party thing for a friend's company.  We had a great time... there was lots for kids to do and good food, music, and company.  While there, Elaina got her face painted.... but it was the really cool face paint, not just a cheesy picture on her cheek - not that there is anything wrong with that....but, this stuff is pretty cool....  She LOVED it.  We thought it was totally adoreable too....

check it out...

Getting it painted on...

The finished product.... So, Elaina has always called the body of the butterfly the "carrot."  Not sure why - she she draws one, she says "you have to draw the carrot first."  So, when she looked in the mirror, she pointed to the bridge of her nose and said "there is the carrot."  That kiddo makes me laugh!

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