Happy Valentines Day!!

Happy Valentines Day to everyone!!
This post is a special post for Erik who is out of town today, this Valentines Day.  I wanted Erik to see this on the blog while he was out of town today.  We miss him terribly today but he left a special surprise (it was even a surprise to me) for Elaina and I.  He sent me a clue via text while I was asleep last night so we could go on a mini scavenger hunt for a small Valentines Day gift.  It was such a sweet, thoughtful idea and Elaina and I had fun searching for it.   Take a look

Disclaimer - the video on this is pretty bad.... I was trying to help her and take video.  Also, I thought I was videoing the middle part and found out I wasn't so I skip straight to her finding the gift... oops.  So, for those of you who watch, hang in there, it's a bumpy ride :)  one of these days I will figure out to make two separate videos into one rather then having to post 2 different clips....sigh!

Here is a shot of her with the gifts I got her for Valentines Day

With her gift from Erik.  He has gotten her a stuffed animal every year for Valentines Day.  This makes #5

And, this pic is from church last week... she wanted to wear this red dress. She was getting into the Valentines Day spirit early.  I just thought she looked so cute that I snapped this shot before we left.  BTW, she has been wearing NOTHING but dresses with tights for the past 4 weeks.  I can't get her to wear pants for anything.  It's just a phase she is going through but it's strange because I could not get her to wear tights for anything.  Now, she has decided that she loves them....

I travel to San Diego tomorrow to see Erik and visit the city.  I am excited about the getaway.  Stay tuned for pics of our adventure there :)

1 comment:

The Schaffers said...

That was such a neat idea to hide presents for you all. :) My sweet husband left flowers for me at home yesterday afternoon before he left for nashville so they were there waiting for me when I got home last night. Love getting spoiled. :) Hope you girls have a fun day!