Snow Day - take 2.......

We have had quite a winter so far here in East Tennessee.  Today, we got about 2 inches of, we had another snow day!!!!!!  The roads were too bad to get to work plus Elaina's school was called off so we took the opportunity to stay home and enjoy family time (who doesn't love that?).  Here is some action from the day....

Elaina and Erik making a pint sized snowman.  The snow was average packing snow - not enough to roll big balls

Elaina with her what I will call "refrigerator snowman."  By refridgerator I mean the face was made out of things from our fridge - eyes were sliced carrots, nose was a celery stick, and the mouth was a roasted red pepper

Erik and Elaina making snow angels

Our neighbors were out too - this is Elaina and her friend Riley who is about a year older then her with Riley's snowman.  Look how cool it is with the hat and arms and legs....

Riley had a sled so her dad took Elaina and Riley down the road for a ride - super fun for them

While we were in the front yard playing with Riley, we had a tragedy in the back yard.....  Jax ate the face off of the snowman.  Guess we should have seen that coming.  That's why you shouldn't use food for your snowman's face.  On the bright side, at least Jax got his nutrients in for the day.

1 comment:

The Ford Family said...

Maybe a taller snowman might deter Jax some??? Hehehehe....very funny!