
A week and a half ago, Erik and I went to Cancun for a week. It was fabulous. We were minus the littlest "E" and we missed her an aweful lot. But, she was home with her grandparents so she was in good hands and had a wonderful time with them. We actually did really well with missing her until Thursday. It hit me like a ton of bricks Thursday and I was ready to be home with her. But, it just made getting home to see her that much more special.

So, the reason we were there??? My cousin got married. So, we were there with many members of my family on my dad's side. It was fun - lots of sitting by the pool, reading, eating, drinking, and laughing went on. Erik played golf one day. I was going to snorkel but the weather was bad that day so they were taking anyone out. I opted for a massage instead. Don't you know I just hated that :)

I really enjoyed spending the week with my dad and his family - I don't get to see my dad much and have not been on a vacation with him in I can't tell you how long so that was nice.

As you can see, this place was a real dump....I can't believe my aunt and uncle would set us up in such a place.

There were many family poses taken since that what you do on vacation - you dress up each night for dinner and take pictures before you go... .evidently. This is my dad with me and my sister, Nell. My other sisters could not come.Nell, Dad, me, Brenda, and SeanMe and Erik...

These next two shots are just because... my dad wore this thing on his head all week - why?? because he is alabaster in color and didn't want to burn his head.

Why?? because when your laying by the pool under a palapa, what else are you going to do??
The reason for going to Cancun... my cousin, Andy, and his now wife, Katie. They are completely adorable. I just liked this pic of the groom's wedding party - and my cousin Dylan who snuck in the pic

Dad and his two youngest after the wedding. The 1 day I got burned was the day I wore this dress. It looks weird but oh well.
And again....
Another pose from the happy couple - this was after the millionth meal we had eaten. While were were there my dad turned 61, I mean 16. We ordered a cake to be brought to the palapa

Pic of the cake - we lucked out with this cake. It was delicious. The other desserts we had were not so good. Mexican's don't eat dessert quite like we American's do.

1 comment:

Wes and Ashley said...

So nice! I'm sure the time away from little E was worth the excitement to get home to her again!