So, just some more shots of more Halloween festivities. I don't remember doing quite so many Halloween related activities before having Elaina :) We had such a fun time with it all.
On Thursday before Halloween, we carved pumpkins. I figured Elaina would love the "scraping out the inside" part - WRONG. She was not into getting her hands messy.

She wanted to help - she did okay with this but it made the process really slow. Luckily her attention span was in and out so I was able to actually carve during the moments she walked away.

This was the pan of pumkin insides. Elaina said "I want some cheese." So funny - it looks like shredded cheese.

Helping her daddy

Finished pumpkins - I did a free hand one, Erik did a sketched out one... We are amateurs at this - not too bad.

On Friday before Halloween, her school had a Halloween Party and trick or treated from classrom to classroom. Here are some shots of that.
She got glasses in her goody bag - she's worn them everyday since she got them.
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