Oh Paci, Oh Paci.... Elaina loved you so
The time has come, dear paci, for her to let you go
We pleaded and we begged, she looked at us with blank stares
But alas, she went to sleep, and Paci you were not there..
Okay... totally just wrote that out without any backspacing... I'm such a dork.
I have no pics for this post but I wanted to let the world know that Elaina has been to sleep the past 3 nights with no paci. And, it was sort of on accident. As you know from previous posts, she has not had it at nap time for about 2 months (due to her fabulous teachers at school). So, Erik and I have been talking to her about how she would have to give up her paci soon - she would just look at us like "whatever". Then, on Thursday night, as we did our usual bedtime routine of books/puzzles/prayers. I picked her up to give her goodnight loves and she did not ask for it. I think I may have even asked her to get it right before we read books but she did not get it. Anyway, I looked at Erik and gave him that "don't say a word about the paci stare" and laid her down. No crying, fussing..... nothing. Just sleeping baby. We were amazed. So, needless to say, while she was at school on Friday, the Paci's were thrown out. We are on night 3 with no paci. She asked for it last night and tonight but we just told her that we did not have paci anymore. Erik and I seriously stressed about how we were going to handle that and, bam, it happened. Many thanks to God for that one. I never imagined it would be that easy. And, she has slept good through the night without it. Whoohooo!!!
I know -it's the small things in life that excite me.....
Something to Say ‘Yes’ To
2 days ago
Yay! Congrats!
What's a pachi???
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