Our camera was malfunctioning for about a day. It is back up and running so were back to blogging..... We are still having so much fun. Erik and I went out together today while Elaina napped and my mom stayed home with Elaina. We talked about how sad it will be to leave tomorrow. I hate leaving - it's the worst part. But, life goes on... Pretty much our days have been filled with sleeping, getting up, eating, going to the beach, resting/eating, going to the pool, eating, and going back to sleep - with fun in between all of this. Yesterday, we took Elaina on a bike ride. We don't have pictures because our camera was screwed up. Hopefully, we'll get pics tomorrow now that our camera is fixed. Elaina did not love it yesterday but today she had a ball. So, we'll do it again tomorrow morning.
We pretty much have a water dog - Elaina LOVES the water. We are so impressed with how well she is adjusting to the water. She loves to blow bubbles and also jump in from the side. Here is a shot of her jumping in to her daddy.
Tuesday night the kids had smores for dessert. Elaina has never had them before and she LOVED them - what kid wouldn't. Here is some shots of her with her smore face and trying to give kisses to some people.
Kissing her daddy...
Elaina kissing her Granny with her "smore" face
Elaina with her Aunt Abby

Smore Face girl
Elaina with her cousin, Celia
More smore face.....

Elaina loved playing in the sand with her cousin, Celia. They are big buddies