Father's Day

I had hoped to have this post up before now but, well, you know, that didn't happen. Sunday was Father's Day. We had a good day. Elaina enjoyed coloring her daddy's card and giving him his gift. Here are some pics of Elaina coloring her daddy's card. We got him one of those big singing cards that was right up Erik's ally. It was Hoops and Yo-Yo singing a silly song - let's just say it was bathroom humor. If you know Erik, you will know that that is just the thing that makes him crack up....
Listening to the card - she loved listening to it and laughed a lot when the song played.

After Elaina's nap, we presented Erik with his gift. Erik wanted a new hammer. Elaina and I went to Home Depot to pick it out. Elaina has a small bruise on her forehead from knocking the hammer into it - oops. Not very good parenting.

So next is a cute video of Erik listening to his card - I think Elaina is so cute watching him open it....

Keeping in line with Father's Day - last Sunday, Erik washed his motorcycle. Elaina decided to help. Here are some cute shots of her helping him wash it - very sweet.

Potty Funny

So Elaina has been showing an interest in the potty. Pretty much everyday a couple of times a day she wants to sit on it but so far not so much as a drop has come out. It's okay, it's early yet -we will try as much as possible to enhance her interest in it. Here is where the funny story comes in...

Normally, when I sit her down, I ask her if she can pee-pee or "make water" because I feel like relating the pee-pee to water will help her understand what she needs to do. Anyway, yesterday when I sat Elaina down, I asked "Do you need to make water?" Then, she said........"No, milk"

So funny!


Well, we made it home yesterday from our beach vacation. It's good to be home even though we had such a wonderful week. Elaina traveled very well. We are very pleased with how well she did. Here are some of the final shots of the trip. We are just taking it easy today before we have to jump back into reality tomorrow.

We told you that we went bike riding. The first few times we went with Elaina we did not get shots because our camera crapped out on us. But the last day we were there we took Elaina on a bike ride and got a few shots. She like riding bikes pretty well. Wednesday she did not like, Thursday she liked it, and Friday she liked it for about half the time.
Elaina with her dad on the bike we rented
All smiles....

Elaina with mommy. I did not like riding with her on the back. It made me nervous but I did just fine.

After our bike ride, Elaina sat down with me on the steps and cuddled.
More cuddiling on the couch - this is one of my favorite shots
just a cute shot of Elaina cuddled in my arms
After our bike ride, we went down to the beach for our last morning at the beach.
Here is a family shot
Elaina with her mommy
Elaina with her Granny sitting on the beach letting the waves come and splash them

My sister Kate, Elaina, Granny, and Alexandra on the beach

After Elaina's nap we went to the pool for our last pool visit. This is a shot of Elaina walking back to the house from the pool. She would walk out in front of us and didn't need direction on where to go at all. This is one of those shots that only a parent can appreciate. She looks so big walking all by herself up ahead. Just had to capture that moment on camera

We left Friday night so we could make it half way. We stayed the night in a hotel. This is a cute picture of Elaina sitting on the coffee table in the room reading the hotel menu

Finally, on Saturday, we stopped at my dad's house (Elaina's Pappaw) for lunch and quick visit. He has a pool so we let Elaina swim while we were there. As usual, she loved it. Here are some shots...

Jumping in - look at her facial expression. She loves jumping in....

Camera malfunction

Our camera was malfunctioning for about a day. It is back up and running so were back to blogging..... We are still having so much fun. Erik and I went out together today while Elaina napped and my mom stayed home with Elaina. We talked about how sad it will be to leave tomorrow. I hate leaving - it's the worst part. But, life goes on... Pretty much our days have been filled with sleeping, getting up, eating, going to the beach, resting/eating, going to the pool, eating, and going back to sleep - with fun in between all of this. Yesterday, we took Elaina on a bike ride. We don't have pictures because our camera was screwed up. Hopefully, we'll get pics tomorrow now that our camera is fixed. Elaina did not love it yesterday but today she had a ball. So, we'll do it again tomorrow morning.

We pretty much have a water dog - Elaina LOVES the water. We are so impressed with how well she is adjusting to the water. She loves to blow bubbles and also jump in from the side. Here is a shot of her jumping in to her daddy.

Tuesday night the kids had smores for dessert. Elaina has never had them before and she LOVED them - what kid wouldn't. Here is some shots of her with her smore face and trying to give kisses to some people.

Kissing her daddy...

Elaina kissing her Granny with her "smore" face

Elaina with her Aunt Abby

Smore Face girl

Elaina with her cousin, Celia

More smore face.....

Elaina loved playing in the sand with her cousin, Celia. They are big buddies

Hannah Montana

Elaina's cousins, Sadie and Celia, are crazy into Hannah Montana. We had a b-day party for Celia and Blake's birthdays. Elaina got Celia a Hannah Montana costume kit. Celia and Sadie put on the garb and sang like they were Hannah Montana. We caught Celia singing and dancing in front of the mirror. Soon after Elaina thought she'd do the same thing (you know, monkey see-monkey do)... It was pretty cute. Here are some shots of that.

Celia singing in the mirror....

Celia... a.k.a Hannah Montana

Elaina mimicing Celia....What a crack up!!!

Just a sweet shot...

Sadie... a.k.a Hannah Montana

And the fun continues.....

It's Tuesday and while Elaina is down for her nap I thought I'd take another opportunity to update everyone on our trip. It's been so much fun. Elaina is warming up to the beach and loving it more and more each day. Yesterday, she starting walking in it thanks to the help of her Aunt Kate. That is nice because we don't have to worry about carrying her everywhere. Here is a shot of that...

Elaina with her cousins Sadie, Hannah, and her Aunt Kate

We have pretty much been enjoying the sunshine and family time. Lots of beach and pool visits. Elaina and her cousins are having a grand time. I am glad she is enjoying the beach and sand more. We have tents set up so we are able to stay out for a long time and keep the little ones in the shade some. Here are some more beach shots...

Playing in the sand under the tent with her cousin Celia

Standing in the sand..... YAH!!!

Her Aunt Kate took her out near the water and Elaina and all her cousins made a sand castle covered with shells. She loved this SO much.

She was so content making her sand castle that we didn't have the heart to move her because she'd had enought sunshine so her sweet daddy sat with her and covered her with this umbrella. That's love - so sweet!

During Elaina nap yesterday Erik and I went on a bike ride to what is called "The Cut" - the inlet between St. George Island and Little St. George Island that connects the Appalachacola Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. It was very fun. I did not bring my camera so no pics of that.

We made it...

We arrived yesterday to the house and we have internet acces. So, I thought I'd blog a bit while we are here. The trip was good, safe, and uneventful. Elaina traveled very very well. We arrived about 4:00pm yesterday afternoon. We hit the beach for the evening. Elaina was not too crazy about the sand. She didn't mind the water but she hated the sand. We're hoping that by the end of the week she will be used to it because she has already showed progress. Here are some shots of yesterday.

This is about all she would do yesterday. She'd sit on your lap and let the waves come up and get her wet. Not much touching of the sand.
Her first dip in the ocean. She liked this as long as you were holding her
Today was much better. She sat for a long time and played in the sand with her beach toys. She loved this. We had a tent so we were able to stay out there for a long time. She still won't walk in the sand but she will play in it. Progress.
After playing in the sand, she went and sat on the sand in the water. She loved this too.

After a 3-HOUR nap (can you believe that??), we went out to the pool. She was SO tired so we are thrilled she took a 3 hour nap. She needed it. She was in a fantastic mood after that and had a ball at the pool.
Here is shot of Erik throwing her up in the air. She loved it!Elaina swimming with her Aunt Kate

Stay tuned for more pics of the week.... see you soon!