Elaina is 18 months old!!

A year and a half old.... Sounds weird to say and type. I missed posting on Elaina's 17 month milestone. As always, she has grown so much the past few months. The biggest thing is the talking. She is saying A LOT. Its great to be able to actually communicate with her. Her most recent word is "Nell" - needless to say, her Aunt Nell is thrilled about that (she claims that means that she is Elaina's favorite but I don't know about that). Today, I swear she said "Where Jax go?" Then she walked around the house and looked for Jax.
She is also:
  • Putting together puzzles - she put together one of the 8 piece wooden puzzles all by herself the other day. Erik and I were amazed.
  • She can identify where her eyes, nose, teeth, hair, head, chin, feet, toes, fingers, hands, belly and knee are. She can say eyes, nose, and teeth. Today we learned where her elbow was.
  • She eats with a spoon/fork at every meal. She is beginning to express her independence a lot with things like helping her stir her yogurt and cut things up. she gets very upset when you help her do those things.

It is amazing to watch her grow. She has been under the weather the past few days so we hope feels better soon. Here is a shot of her posing with her daddy and his hat on New Years Day last week. Notice Jax assuming his position to claim ownership (as much as he can anyway) of Erik.

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