What a big girl....

July 13, 2008 - The first week of Elaina being "1" has been a fun one. Not any different then before. We are loving this age - SO much fun. She had her 1 year check up this week and thankfully she checked out healthy and happy. She weighed in at 20 lbs and 13 oz. She is 46th percentile in weight, 49th percentile in height, and her head still a whopping 99th percentile. Brain is still growing :) Over past about 2 months she has:
  • started walking - she still doesn't do it 100% of the time but she does it about 70% of the time. Crawling is still quicker
  • started signing for "all done" and "eat"
  • saying "thank you" or something that sounds very much like it
  • saying "ok" (so cute)
  • straddling her riding toy by her self and pushing her self around on it

Here are some pics of the past week... fun stuff.... :)

Playing in the backyard with her water table she got for her birthday. She loves that thing.....

Just a cute pic of her in her new dress that her mamaw gave her for her birthday...Elaina in her new chair she got for her birthday - vanilla wafer and her juice just chillin'. Wonder where she learned this from??

I cleaned out this drawer to get rid of some toys she didn't play with anymore. Well, she made herself right at home... so funny.

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